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Inés Carina Barbachano Falkenberg


Mexican painter who considers art as her most effective means of communication. Her main muse is the feminine duality; the combination between strength and delicacy. The union of oil and spray-paints are the main means of it. During her years of work, she has sought to break paradigms and encourage the public to create her own reality. She has taken courses in psychology of color applied in fine art (FIT, NYC) and in fashion illustration (Parsons, NYC) She is also a major in graphic design (Anahuac Mayab, MX).


Cari Barbachano's art has a recurring but not totalitarian theme, each painting has its history and its reason, an important individualism to emphasize. Adding them together creates a kind of autonomy that defines women by their own unique essence, emphasizing the importance of sisterhood and female union. 



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